Deep Cuts is kind of a podcast, but only barely. Think of it more like a podcast mixtape that you can subscribe to. Each episode is lifted from one of the 5 million shows already in existence — in particular, unpopular shows that you have never heard of. These episodes are interesting not just in spite of their lack of renown but perhaps even because of it, and each week you’ll be transported to an entirely new and unexpected creative universe.
The theme of the first season is firsts: listen to the trailer below and continue reading to subscribe.
Subscribe to Deep Cuts
To subscribe, click the button that corresponds to your podcast app on your phone:

Or copy and paste this feed url into your podcast app of choice (usually via the search bar or an add url button):
(Unfortunately, Spotify does not allow subscriptions to private podcast feeds at this time.)
I have extremely minimal tracking on Deep Cuts, so if you’re enjoying the podcast and want me to make more of it, or if you have feedback or questions, the best way to let me know is by telling me directly. Please leave a comment or shoot me an email at
The overcast link didn’t work in the app, but the general RSS link at the bottom is good.